6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug

6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug


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6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug primary image
6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug
6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug
6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug
6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug
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6' 6 x 9' 6 Unique Loom Tabriz Rug


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Product Details

SKU #: 10937685

Size FT: 6' 6" x 9' 6"

198cm x 290cm

Primary color is Pink.

Colors in this rug include: Pink, Black, Light Blue, Brown, Red.

Pile Material: Wool and Silk

Pile Height: 1/2"

Collection: Tabriz

Construction: Hand Made

In Excellent condition